Deva, living carefreely in Tinsukia, harbors a dark past shared with his mother. The tranquility is shattered when a gang of thugs disrupts the peace in search of Aadhya, a recent resident in the area. Pursuing the group, Deva discovers that Varadharaja Mannar, his closest companion, is the mastermind behind the scheme in Khansaar City. The conflict escalates, prompting crucial questions about what turned the two best friends into adversaries. All is unveiled in the film.
After much anticipation, fans can finally witness Prabhas in an action-packed movie of his own. Prashanth Neel skillfully showcases the iconic Prabhas in a manner that captivates fans. It’s challenging to envision another actor in the role of Deva, as Prabhas perfectly embodies the character. With minimal dialogue but powerful violence, the emphasis is on his body language and delivery, making the character truly his own.
Prithviraj Sukumaran delivers a commendable performance that adds substantial depth to the film. His unexpectedly impressive dialogue delivery and engaging scenes with Prabhas contribute to a more enjoyable cinematic experience. The screenplay, characterized by Prashanth Neel’s wit, sharpness, and elevating narrative, establishes a compelling first half. Well-executed action sequences are accompanied by a meticulously crafted soundtrack, enhancing the film’s overall appeal. Noteworthy moments, including the interval, climax, and elevations, further contribute to its allure.
Despite a sizable supporting cast, Prashanth Neel places emphasis on characters portrayed by Jagapathi Babu, Bobby Simha, John Vijay, and Sriya Reddy, sidelining actors like Brahmaji and Jhansi, who may have more significant roles later in the film. This abundance of violence in this segment might hinder the film’s resonance with family audiences.
Once again showcasing his directorial prowess, Prashanth Neel adeptly elevates heroism through straightforward scenes. However, the second half could benefit from a more concentrated approach to the screenplay and story. Viewers expecting abundant comedy, action, and masala may be disappointed, but the film excels in drama and action, injecting a hint of humor through the movement and dialogue delivery of certain characters.
Ravi Basrur’s score enhances specific scenes, showcasing his overall competence. Bhuwan Gowda’s cinematography earns praise, especially Anbarivu’s noteworthy stunts. While the production values remain excellent, Ujwal Kulakarni’s editing in the second hour could have been more refined.
Ratings: 3/5
This riveting and captivating film holds great appeal for fans of Prabhas and Prithviraj Sukumaran. Nevertheless, it falls short due to excessive violence, a sluggish second half, and a straightforward storyline. A rating of three out of five stars is bestowed upon this movie.