Dick Van Dyke involved In Car Crash In Malibu

According To Reports The Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang star, 97, is said to have lost control of his vehicle and hit a gate

On Wednesday morning in Malibu, an automobile accident involving Dick Van Dyke occurred. He suffered minor wounds in California. He was operating his Lexus LS 500 when he lost control of it while driving in a slick environment, leading it to skid and strike a gate. After the collision, his lips and nose were bleeding, but he was treated on the spot and declined to go to the hospital. Police authorities have confirmed that this accident was not caused by drugs or alcohol.

Authorities allegedly asked Van Dyke to retake his driving test after the collision raised many questions about his capacity to continue driving at such an advanced age. Concerns are raised about Van Dyke’s capacity to determine the degree of his injuries at his age given his resistance to being hospitalized. Notwithstanding what has been mentioned, he is now making a full recovery and has received a ton of support from his followers and peers in the profession. They sent their best wishes for a quick recovery.

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