In Star Wars, good and evil were never opposed; nevertheless, spin-off TV shows have allowed viewers to contemplate that ambiguity fully. Andor did a great job doing this by introducing morally gray individuals. Another excellent example can be seen in this episode, in which Moff Gideon’s right-hand person Dr. Pershing takes center stage in a suspenseful examination of how fundamentally different the New Republic is from the Empire.
Most of “The Convert” concentrates on Dr. Pershing, who appears to have changed his ways and is participating in the New Republic’s “Reintegration Programme” for former Imperial officers. The first time we see him again, he gives a dynamic presentation in Coruscant about his work on cloning and genetic manipulation and how appreciative he is for the chance to change after joining the Empire.
Yet, what follows creates the moral problem of the show. One individual informs him that they try not to concern themselves with daily politics as he is accosted by people worldwide. It offers a peek into a civilization where high society doesn’t exist, much as the one Mon Mothma dealt with in Andor years ago.
The motif carries on as we become engrossed in Dr. Pershing’s mundane new existence as he strives to fit in with a culture that despises his work and has little faith in him. He toils away cataloging Imperial data that, despite its potential use, is intended to be destroyed. A droid constantly questions him about his disgust and that his field of expertise is useless in the New Republic. It makes sense that sentiments of unhappiness would surface as soon as fellow believer Elia Kane presented some temptation.
Mando’s story segment also contains exciting action as TIE fighters pursue them as they return to Bo-house. While Grogu’s role in the plot this time around was quite minimal, we were nonetheless given a cute moment in which he appeared to attempt to convey that “this is the Way”. It’s all too fleeting, though. Once the couple manages to escape from the Imperial cruisers, we only glimpse them again when they head back to the Mandalorian fortress to seek atonement.
The Convert pulls many intriguing narrative threads, especially when it pushes into moral commentary and conjures up a true dread for what’s to come. This season, Moff Gideon has yet to appear, but it doesn’t seem like he’s far away. Likewise, it doesn’t seem like the sadistic Elia’s story will end there. Then there is the matter of what Bo-Katan intends and how the Mythosaur will factor into it from beneath her helmet.
There are challenges involved with the juggling act. The worst case scenario is when it seems like it’s trying to cover too much ground, which results in an excessive runtime with a lack of clarity regarding the relevance of Mando and Grogu’s story. Yet, this doesn’t negate the fact that when it works, it offers an intriguing and complex view of the larger world that our characters are navigating, and that alone is enticing enough to keep us riveted. To know what’s next, stay tuned!!