“Shehzada,” tells the tale of a young man’s life in an action comedy movie style. Valmiki, Bantu’s father, has hated him since he was a young child. Samara, his boss, treats him with love and compassion until he realizes the Jindals are his parents. Bantu decides to protect the Jindals from their threats while also winning their love.
The movie has humorous and illogical moments, particularly when Hussain Dalal’s language highlights these points. One of the highlights of Shehzada is Rajpal Yadav’s memorable appearance as a police inspector who shows up to look into an attack on Randeep. His discussion of what’s going on with the Jindal family with Kartik’s Father is dead on.
The leading actor is the centre of attention in the entire movie Shehzada, which even ignores other characters and plot lines. The actor appears genuine enough in this old story of infants exchanged at birth and an extreme desire for retribution. He nonetheless portrays Bantu, a charming and intelligent young man who strives to right any injustice that comes his way.
The audience may respond similarly to Rajpal in the movie. Nonetheless, the film overlooks reason in favor of the slow-motion action sequences when the hero once again rescues the day.
The majority of the footage in Shehzada belongs to Kartik, who is also a producer here. In addition, a supporting cast surrounds him, including the son of Valmiki, who replaced him and served as his real-but-fake family.
Kriti Sanon has a fleeting appearance in the film to appear in the songs and irregularly in the plot, but the plot isn’t really advanced much by her part. Once she starts dating Bantu, she will have virtually no role to play. Bantu’s sister is introduced in the first half but has yet to be mentioned again.
The over-the-top production design and popular Pritam musical numbers in Shehzada make it too loud to have any real impact. The movie only lasts 145 minutes, and the screenplay and directing need more weight.
Rating – Two out of five stars.
Two stars for Sudeep Chatterjee’s cinematography is excellent, and the combat choreography merits special note for its use of slow-motion and macro photography. The others are mediocre, but the title track, “Shehzada,” with Sonu Nigam, is exceptional. This one will be worth seeing in the theater if you enjoy watching big-budget entertainment with your buddies. Its rating scale is made up of all these components.
Rohit Dhawan is the film’s director. The film’s producers are Bhushan Kumar, Allu Arvind, and Aman Gill. Along with Manisha Koirala, Paresh Rawal, Ronit Roy, and numerous more supporting actors, Kartik Aaryan and Kriti Sanon play vital parts in the film. On February 17, 2023, it was made available. After six weeks in theatres, it will be accessible via OTT.