Baby resides with his wife and son, leading the life of a Kerala Police constable. However, he grapples with persistent headaches due to his son’s penchant for cheating in exams, causing him stress. Complicating matters further, Baby finds himself at odds with a fellow police officer and their relative, leading to simmering animosity.
The narrative unfolds as Baby endeavors to excel in his career by passing an important exam, despite the obstacles in his path. His journey through this challenge becomes a turning point in his life, profoundly altering his perspective.
“Thundu” delves into the lives of police officers through a series of humorous episodes, offering a glimpse into the dynamics within the station and among the cops. Unlike typical portrayals focusing on responding to petitions or complaints, this film peers behind the curtain, revealing the complexities and flaws inherent in both the settings and characters.
Ultimately, amidst the filmmakers’ efforts to capture it, the movie paints a stark picture devoid of inherent goodness or humanity within its milieu, showcasing the gritty reality of police life.
Biju Menon steps into the shoes of Baby, a civil police officer whose knack for finding trouble seems almost accidental. His nemesis, Shigin, played by Shine Tom Chacko, adds another layer of complexity as a junior officer who ascends to senior CPO status through departmental exams, becoming a persistent thorn in Baby’s side. The film delves into the origins of their conflict, tracing back to its roots.
Motivated by a desire to assert himself, Baby decides to confront Shigin by taking the departmental test, spurred on by yet another taunt from his adversary at the station. However, despite its promising premise, the latter half of Riyas Shareef’s directorial venture suffers from a lack of cohesion in the screenplay, resulting in a somewhat uneven viewing experience. While the film has its share of entertaining moments, it struggles to maintain a consistent momentum, leaving viewers with a somewhat unpredictable narrative trajectory.
Thundu unfolds as an intricate tapestry of non-linear storytelling, which, while ambitious, contributes to its overall lengthy and convoluted nature. Despite its shortcomings in plot coherence, the film manages to elicit laughter through its humorous moments, offering a refreshing take on the police drama genre. However, the second half falters under the weight of excessive material, following a relatively straightforward first half that focuses on the protagonist’s basic dilemma.
In summary, Thundu earns 2.5 stars out of 5, providing a mixed viewing experience with moments of enjoyment but ultimately falling short of its potential due to narrative inconsistencies and pacing issues.
The premise of the film Thundu rests on a fairly grounded concept: exploring the life of a man perpetually entangled in troubles yet lacking the courage to confront them head-on. Unlike the typical Malayali humor actors, Biju Menon brings a natural comedic flair to his role, relying less on physicality but rather on subtle nuances.
In this particular portrayal, Menon appears to have dialed down the intensity, perhaps to better embody the maturity of his character. While the second half of the movie offers enough action to captivate the audience, the initial section falls short in terms of engagement. Consequently, Thundu earns a rating of 2.5 stars out of 5.