The storyline revolves around the triumphs and tribulations of Sam Manekshaw, the inaugural officer in the Indian Army to ascend to the esteemed position of Field Marshal. Vicky Kaushal delivers an exceptionally authentic depiction of the character, breathing vitality into the role with a stellar performance.
However, amidst the film’s numerous achievements and compelling attributes, a discernible fragmentation is evident. Throughout the viewing experience, one cannot shake the sense that various pivotal moments from Sam Manekshaw’s illustrious career have been amalgamated, resulting in a somewhat underwhelming conclusion.
“Sam Bahadur” distinguishes itself with a unique flavor, unraveling previously unknown aspects such as Sam Manekshaw’s friendship with Pakistani General Yahya Khan and encapsulating four decades of military service. Despite Meghna Gulzar’s ambitious biographical attempt feeling somewhat rushed, the film manages to falter in sustaining suspense and mystery, notably in its treatment of female characters.
Notable performances by Govind Namdeo as Sardar Patel and Mohd Zeeshan Ayub as General Yahya Khan leave a lasting impact, yet the overpowering and monotonous soundtrack, unexpected from Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy’s musical talent, detracts from the overall experience. Skillful use of archival footage adds a documentary feel to the proceedings, attempting to compensate for the film’s passive linearity and abrupt time jumps.
Rating – 2/5
With a rating of 2 stars out of 5, “Sam Bahadur” is partially successful in capturing significant moments, with Vicky Kaushal’s excellent performance serving as a saving grace. The film becomes enjoyable in short bursts as a cinematic experience, rather than one to be savored in its entirety.