In the vast expanse of Africa, Dr. Andrew (played by Ryan Phillippe) and his devoted wife, Sue (portrayed by Mena Suvari), selflessly dedicate their skills and compassion to aid those in need. Their altruistic mission, however, takes a perilous turn when a menacing militant group threatens their safety, compelling them to flee for their lives.
Joined by three fellow American travelers and their knowledgeable guide, Thabo (embodied by Jeremy Tardy), the group finds refuge aboard an aircraft piloted by Grun (played by Emile Hirsch), a rugged mercenary with a strict no-luggage policy and a hefty price tag of $10,000 per seat. Tragically, tragedy strikes mid-flight as one of the passengers meets a grim fate, and Sue sustains injuries when the plane’s engines falter just thirty minutes into their journey.
Yet, amidst the relentless challenges and looming threats, the group finds themselves tested in ways they never imagined, clinging to hope and relying on sheer determination as they navigate through the treacherous landscape. Miracles and tragedies intertwine as they strive to overcome the odds and emerge from the depths of adversity.
Released in a handful of cinemas on Friday, March 15, 2024, “Prey” made its debut in select theaters across major markets on a limited scale. Clocking in at approximately one hour and twenty-six minutes, the film is the brainchild of Mukunda Michael Dewil, who serves as both writer and director. While initially presenting itself as a tale of faith-based recruitment, “Prey” incorporates redemption into its narrative, albeit in a somewhat forced manner, as it delves into themes of self-sacrifice and survival.
The film introduces a protagonist who finds himself bestowed with miraculous interventions that aid in his fight for survival. Notably, the stunning African wildlife footage, seemingly plucked from a stock video archive, emerges as a standout feature within this low-budget B-thriller. However, the promising premise takes an unexpected turn as the human element of the story veers off course abruptly and irreparably.
“Prey” is not for the faint of heart, as it features numerous instances of graphic violence, including character deaths, grisly scenes of carnage with vivid depictions of claw marks, entrails, and blood-soaked wounds, along with shots to the head accompanied by spurting blood. The film also portrays individuals being struck in the face with firearms, intense confrontations, and verbal altercations. Despite the absence of explicit depictions of sex, materialism, or drug use, “Prey” chooses to focus on the aftermath of violent encounters, sparing the audience from witnessing the actual attacks.
In conclusion, “Prey” offers viewers a mixed bag of elements, ranging from captivating wildlife imagery to a narrative that struggles to maintain its thematic coherence. While it may appeal to those with a taste for gritty thrillers, its reliance on graphic violence may deter more sensitive audiences.
Rating: 2.5/5
In “Prey,” the characters are portrayed as either compassionate missionaries or individuals immersed in their own struggles. Despite its intentions to serve as a faith-based recruitment film, the movie ultimately misses the mark in delivering a cohesive message. As a result, “Prey” receives a rating of 2.5 stars out of five from us.