The iconic New York City firehouse, once home to the pioneering Ghostbusters, sees the return of the Spengler family. When an ancient artifact is unearthed, unleashing a malevolent force threatening a second ice age, both old and new Ghostbusters must unite to defend their beloved haunt.
In its two-hour runtime, the film endeavors to weave numerous characters, plots, and iconic moments together, perhaps too ambitiously. Directed by Gil Kenan, the movie manages to strike a better balance between honoring the past and embracing the new compared to its predecessor, “Ghostbusters: Afterlife.” While taking a slightly different narrative route, it still pays homage to familiar scenes and dialogue, albeit in a more streamlined manner.
In “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire,” an ancient relic triggers a mysterious force, compelling both new and original Ghostbusters to converge on New York City. The bustling metropolis teeters on the brink of a second ice age, engulfed in a frigid abyss. Now, the combined strength of old and new Ghostbusters must shield the planet and rescue humanity from impending doom.
Directed by the esteemed filmmaker Gil Kenan, “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” promises to be a cinematic spectacle. Featuring beloved characters from both generations of Ghostbusters, anticipation runs high as the film heralds a significant shift for the franchise. Some, like Patton Oswalt, assert that this installment delves into genuinely chilling territory as the cast and crew ramp up their promotional endeavors.
In the film’s opening sequence, Gary (Paul Rudd) navigates the Ectomobile down Fifth Avenue, with Callie (Carrie Coon) riding shotgun and her children, Trevor (Finn Wolfhard) and Phoebe (Mckenna Grace), in tow.
While Grace delivers a commendable performance as Phoebe, the movie predominantly veers into a subplot of teenage angst, which feels awkward and disjointed, detracting from the overall excitement. Additionally, many of the trademark one-liners and physical humor that typically define the Ghostbusters brand fall flat, despite the director’s apparent intent to evoke laughter.
The film suffered from a sluggish tempo, a lack of gripping action sequences, and moments where the audience collectively burst into laughter, igniting anticipation for what was to come. However, the initial chase scene was a highlight, blending genuine excitement with well-timed sarcasm.
Notably, cameos from avid enthusiast Patton Oswalt and the iconic Slimer the Ghost added a delightful touch. For die-hard Ghostbusters aficionados, this is a must-see cinematic experience. Overall, the film earns a respectable 3 out of 5 stars.