When a potential enemy threat looms over the Srinagar base camp, elite Indian Air Force pilots swiftly assemble a specialized team led by Rocky, also known as Rakesh Jai Singh. Among the team members are Shamsher Pathania, Sartaj Gill, Minni Rathore, and others. The narrative unfolds as Jaish-e-Mohammed, a terrorist group, launches an attack on CRPF soldiers, sparking multiple confrontations between India and the terrorists. The movie delves into the ultimate triumph amidst these clashes.
This stylish action flick shines with the charismatic presence of Hrithik Roshan, whose on-screen persona captivates audiences effortlessly. His magnetic charm, sharp wit, nuanced acting, and impeccable dialogue delivery elevate the film’s appeal. The actress delivers a commendable performance in her role, seamlessly blending into the narrative. The romantic subplot does not disrupt the film’s momentum, ensuring a smooth viewing experience. Additionally, Anil Kapoor, Akshay Oberoi, and Karan Singh Grover excel in their respective roles, adding further depth to the ensemble cast.
Hrithik Roshan’s latest adrenaline-packed venture, “Fighter,” breaks new ground in Indian cinema by introducing breathtaking aerial stunts never seen before. Directed by Siddharth Anand, the film stars Deepika Padukone as its leading character.
Each aerial combat sequence in “Fighter” is meticulously choreographed by the talented team, immersing viewers in the heart-pounding action while seamlessly advancing the narrative. Attention to detail is evident throughout, enhancing our understanding and enjoyment of the airborne maneuvers. Notably, the film’s emotional resonance, particularly in its latter half, adds depth seldom found in typical action fare. Ashutosh Rana’s cameo leaves a lasting impact, further enriching the viewing experience.
Despite employing a familiar storyline, Siddharth Anand crafts a moderately engaging film, leveraging his expertise to elevate the aerial combat sequences to new heights. The action choreographers deserve special commendation for their contributions, particularly in depicting the intense dogfights and exchanges between Air Force soldiers and their adversaries.
While the film’s score and music fail to fully synchronize, “Fighter” excels in other technical aspects, earning high marks for its cinematography, led by the talented Satchith Paulose. The dynamic camera work during jet battles adds to the thrill, complementing the outstanding visual effects that serve as the film’s standout feature. Editing is seamless, ensuring a cohesive viewing experience.
Overall, “Fighter” earns a commendable three out of five stars, delivering exhilarating action and memorable performances amidst a backdrop of groundbreaking aerial feats.
Rating: 3/5
In summary, Hrithik Roshan delivers a compelling performance in a high-octane action film. While the storyline may lack originality, Siddharth Anand ensures that the movie remains engaging with its array of captivating scenes. Deepika Padukone, Karan Singh Grover, and Anil Kapoor all shine in their roles, contributing to the film’s overall excellence. Emotions play a significant role in the latter half, adding depth to the narrative. However, those expecting a finely crafted plot may feel somewhat disappointed. This film receives a rating of three stars out of five.