
In the narrative of “Article 370,” Zoobi Haksar (played by Yami Gautam) operates clandestinely, embarking on a covert mission aimed at quelling violence and terrorism amidst the tumultuous era of 2016. Her objective: to dismantle Article 370 and resolve the conflict through peaceful means. The story revolves around Zooni Haksar (Yami Gautam Dhar), an intelligence operative, who finds herself reassigned to Delhi following what her superiors deem a “failed” operation, despite its success.

Rajeshwari Swaminathan (portrayed by Priyamani), the Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, spearheads the government’s efforts to repeal Article 370. Rallying her team, she appoints Zooni to lead the National Investigation Agency’s mission in Kashmir. As they navigate the turbulent landscape of the valley, rife with extremist elements and corrupt local authorities, their mission to restore peace faces formidable challenges.

Film Review:
“Article 370” maintains its intrigue throughout its lengthy runtime of over two and a half hours, adorned with a captivating blend of artistic license and real-life events. The narrative underscores the imperative need to revoke Article 370, which granted special status to Jammu & Kashmir. According to the film, the decision to repeal this provision by the current administration was justified.

The filmmakers deftly highlight the nexus between the corruption of local politicians and the collaboration of militants, attributing the suffering of Kashmiri citizens to these factors. The plot unfolds seamlessly in the first half, brimming with excitement. However, the climax veers towards overly theatrical cinematic techniques, detracting somewhat from its impact.

Noteworthy is the stellar performance of the leading ladies, who command the screen with their powerful portrayals. Yami Gautam shines in her role as Zooni, exuding a tough yet dedicated demeanor that earns her rightful acclaim. Priyamani’s portrayal of an IAS officer is commendable for its authenticity, capturing the essence of the character’s duties with precision.

Supporting the ensemble cast are Raj Arun as Khawar Ali, Vaibhav Tatwawadi as Commandant Yash Chauhan, and Raj Zutshi, delivering energetic performances that complement the lead actors’ efforts. Overall, “Article 370” earns a rating of 3.5 stars out of 5, offering a compelling narrative underscored by strong performances and timely themes.

Rating: 3.5 stars out of 5 stars

The film fails to justify why Zooni had to resort to espionage to acquire updated documents from the J&K Secretariat when obtaining such records could have been easily accomplished through conventional means. However, this movie marks a promising debut for two-time National Award winner Aditya Suhas Jambhale as a director, hinting at significant potential ahead for him. With a rating of 3.5 stars out of five, this film shows promise despite its shortcomings.

Written By : Indori Nerd

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