Vinod and Madhav act as messengers early in the morning and bring Prahlad’s decision of not contesting in the coming elections to Bhushan. Later, Pradhan Ji, Manju Devi, and Abhishek are seen discussing why Bhushan wants to have a meeting and decide on the same. Manju Devi agrees to Bhushan’s request for him to call a meeting and decides to hear his solution for the construction of the village road.

The meeting happens and Bhushan puts forward his idea of a peace agreement between Vidhayak Ji and Phulera. Pradhan Ji laughs hysterically on hearing this news but Manju Devi decides to go ahead with this idea. In the next scene, our four horsemen are seen discussing the same, when Prahlad suddenly starts laughing – a scene that fills our hearts with unprecedented joy and moistens our eyes, as we finally see a grieving father having some moments of joy!

Preparations begin for welcoming Vidhayak Ji, where Rinki goes to arrange jackfruit, and Abhishek and Vikas go on to arrange pigeons from Bambahadur(Amit Kumar Maurya), which Vidhayak Ji will fly in the peace agreement. Rinki opens up to Pradhan Ji and Manju Devi about her decision to do an MBA, contrary to what is prevalent in the villages – no one denies Rinki of doing an MBA but they do question her ability and smartness in a not-so-subtle manner.

Vidhayak Ji arrives at the panchayat office, and meets Bhushan first, ignoring Pradhan Ji, in the beginning. After spreading some crocodile tears, planting some already-grown plants, and making some false promises, Vidhayak ji goes on to deny Pradhan Ji’s invitation for lunch and announces that he’ll be having lunch at Vinod’s place.

Following some usual political stuff, Vidhayak Ji finally comes to the pigeon flying, however, the pigeon only flies for a few seconds before falling and dying. Bambahadur gets infuriated at this incident and the matter gets heated, the villagers, including Abhishek, Pradhan Ji, and Prahlad gather in support of Bambahadur.

The episode adds to the political happenings all around. Bhushan’s plan – which initially seemed to be working – goes down the drain after this incident. Everyone is now in support of Bambahadur and loathes Vidhayak Ji for killing an innocent bird and then doing violence with an innocent villager.

The episode is an accurate satire on village politics and the shenanigans that politicians usually orchestrate to get some votes and tarnish the image of opposition leaders. Moreover, the story gets very quirky and intriguing at this point – Vidhayak is now seen as a criminal but the light-hearted nature of the show is maintained by playing with facts and incidents rather than going the crime-drama way!

Written By : Saurabh Srivastava

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