Margot Robbie’s Body Double Opens Up About Mysterious ‘Barbie’ Movie Set

Emma Eastwood, the body double for Margot Robbie in the upcoming ‘Barbie’ film directed by Greta Gerwig, has given insights into her experience on set. Initially hired as a hand double, Emma ended up filming additional scenes, stepping in for the leading actress. Despite spending two weeks on set, she admits that she still has no clear idea about the movie’s plot.

Speaking to the New York Times, Emma Eastwood said, “I was on this for two weeks, and I barely know what the movie is about… [the production team] did a very good job of keeping the plot hidden.” She mentioned that even on important days when the entire cast was present, she received no information about the scenes until she arrived on set.

One peculiar experience Emma recalled was being asked to lie face down on the ground for an hour during a shoot, leaving her puzzled and feeling disoriented. “When I got up, I literally felt drunk. I have no idea what that scene was about,” she confessed.

Life on set proved challenging for Emma, as she often had to rise before dawn to be ready for a 6 am call time. Hours were spent in hair and makeup to transform her into Barbie. Despite the demanding schedule, she expressed her excitement about being given her own trailer, which made her feel “really spoiled.”

Emma shared her enthusiasm for being part of the ‘Barbie’ experience on her Twitter page, where she posted some pictures from her time on set. In a tweet, she wrote, “Had the best experience of my life and will absolutely never shut up about it.”

The secrecy surrounding the film’s plot has generated curiosity among fans, further fueling anticipation for the release of the ‘Barbie’ movie. With Margot Robbie taking on the iconic doll’s role and the talented Greta Gerwig at the helm, expectations are high for this highly anticipated production. As the release date draws nearer, fans can only speculate about the intriguing storyline that the production team has managed to keep tightly under wraps.

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