Firoz Nadiawala to Produce Mahabharata??

The Mahabharat epic narrative has long been a part of our culture, yet the relatability component has endured. If done effectively, a new installment of the narrative will always hold the audience’s interest.
According to recent rumours, “Hera Pheri” and “Welcome” producer Firoz Nadiadwala plan to remake the Mahabharata.

According to reports, the movie will be produced in 5D and have a 700 crore budget. The cast reportedly includes actors Ranveer Singh, Ajay Devgn, and Akshay Kumar. Ajay and Ranveer only appeared in the movie in cameos, though. It would be intriguing to watch if they all starred in a full-length movie.

Additionally, it will be a first-of-its-kind movie with three major stars in the cast. In contrast to many major motion pictures today. Additionally, it is claimed that this movie will compete fiercely with Hollywood heavyweights like “Star Wars.”

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