In the eighth episode, a series of dramatic events unfold, revealing complex relationships and hidden secrets among the characters. A body is discovered, initially ruled as suicide, while Nico’s frustration boils over when Eric, missing, returns home under the influence, leading to an explosive confrontation and Eric being kicked out. Isa harbors anger toward Didac, who reveals crucial information about Luis and an ongoing investigation, prompting all parties to converge at the police station. Despite anger, Isa vows not to betray loved ones.
Sara observes Chloe and Raul’s public affection, leading Jessica to suggest Sara is jealous. Jessica advises Sara to transfer schools for freedom. Carmen tries to contact Chloe, but Raul interferes, claiming it’s for Chloe’s good. Sara texts Raul to follow her, leading to a secretive encounter where Sara records incriminating evidence. Carmen receives Ivan’s money but realizes she’s been blocked. Sara warns Carmen about Raul’s tactics and exposes his abusive behavior to Chloe.
Nico reconciles with Didac, but guilt gnaws at him for abandoning Eric, who struggles emotionally and contemplates suicide. Sonia responds to Eric’s cry for help. Rocio attempts to discuss her mother’s corruption with Isa, who chooses to remain ignorant. Rocio insists on accountability, leaving Isa troubled. Isa confides in her parents about Luis’ investigation, realizing they are indifferent.
She contacts Duran to retrieve trafficking documents, enraging Martin. Joel seeks advice from Omar and Dalmar regarding Ivan’s invitation to South Africa. Chloe notices Ivan’s packed belongings, but Raul distracts her. Sara sends incriminating evidence, leading to a confrontation and Chloe’s decision to leave with Ivan.
Isa exposes her father’s corruption to the police, leading to his arrest. Sonia informs Nico about Eric’s emotional turmoil. Nico prevents Eric from drastic action, convincing him to return home. Ivan texts Joel, who appears torn between his feelings and advice received. Duran faces arrest for corruption, leaving Rocio in sorrow. Carmen confronts Raul, leading to his accidental death. Nico brings Eric home, and his parents embrace them. Isa feigns ignorance about her father’s arrest. Carmen and Chloe face interrogation.