Season 2 of Delhi Crime opens with DCP Vartika Jha revealing that a third of the city’s population works for the affluent and lives in the slums, making it challenging to uphold law and order. The elderly couple is viciously attacked and killed by goons who break into the house and are recorded on camera, shattering their faces. Officer Bhupendra Singh can be seen at the Delhi Police Headquarters as the story progresses.
Officer Neeti Singh, married, also gets a crime alert. When she and her husband discuss the crime status in Delhi, DCP Vartika is at their home. She contacts Chandni, her daughter, who is a student in Toronto. When Vartika gets a warning about the crime, Chandni also gets into a fight with her mother. As Shubash Gupta briefs Vartika on the issue and informs her that the victims, retired doctors Rakesh and Romila Arora, worked at a famous Delhi hospital. Associates of the older adult who were also brutally killed included the other two victims. The housekeeper informed the police about the crime; the cops found out. The police discovered when examining the site that, in addition to the theft, the couple had also been brutally slain.
They still try to persuade him to work on the case with them, but he insists on getting his pension. Vartika promises Bhupendra that after he enters the police service, she will give him his retirement money. Later that evening, the “Kacha-Baniyan” gang makes a threatening call to the Delhi Police Control Room. The threat has Vartika on high alert and incensed. Just afterwards, Bhupendra calls to let her know that a second murder using the same method has occurred.
As the second season is airing, I feel like it lacks the appeal of the dramatic case. However, the stars of this show are the actors. To put it mildly, Shefali Shah does a remarkable job as Vartika Jha. She is doing a fantastic job playing a stern and menacing police officer, which is a nice difference from the season one version of her, who was more laid back.
Rasika Dugal’s portrayal of Neeti has much more promise than only her home problems with her husband. I hope the programme can move on from that and concentrate on showcasing strong, kickass women in positions of responsibility within the Indian Police Force.