An action thriller that shows the tale of Durga Singh (Parineeti Chopra), a qualified and risky spy who is charged with a covert mission. Durga goes undercover to Turkey, where she attempts to trace a hazardous terrorist named Khalid Omar, who has been hiding since 2001.
But stuff gets twisted when she fulfills and falls in love with a consultant called Mirza. Shortly her personality becomes compromised, frightening her mission and her affection story with Mirza.
The movie shows important conversations and serious dramatic moments that accorded inferior status, making glare of a particular tragedy she has felt because of a nationalistic spy it is country first. Always.
Durga Singh is a superspy in the masterwork mold, an expert who no man can fit, a highly qualified opinion gatherer, and a survivor adorned with remarkable bullet-dodging ability.
The first time we watch and listen to her, she is in poor manual shape, having emerged from a brutal war that has left her bloodied.
Cut to a man who applauds a taxi in Kabul. Durga bounces into the vehicle. The shocked male passenger greets himself as Dr. Mirza Ali (Harrdy Sandhu). The man reveals that he is a half -Punjabi Turkish Citizen.
Durga, in an abaya, confesses her name is Ismat and she is moving away from a family that wants her to get married against her will. The next aspect we know is that they are a couple.
Durga’s actual purpose is disclosed at a wedding that she obeys the company with a strategy to trap and kill a deadly terrorist. The mission fails. The Indian intelligence establishment forms another operation in action and the reasonable man for the job is held into service.
Durga has to face two wars – one to confirm her patriotism to the nation, the other one to assure that she does not lose the man she loves.
But can she earn on both faces? That is the question Code Name Tiranga reveals in the second half. Midway through the film, the intelligence mechanism comes out in the promising doctor’s clinic with bullet wounds.
The pain of losing the affection of her life surpasses the pain affected by two bullets that stab her during a solo attack on a terrorist’s secret.