The story centers on four ladies from various backgrounds who unite on an incredible journey that is full of emotions, experiences, and self-discovery as they ride their bikes to Khardung La. Sky, a motorbike reviewer, and influencer, is attempting to break out from her unintentionally scandalous social media persona and take over the masculine bastion to forge her own identity.
Uzma is a homemaker who is undervalued by her family, while Manpreet is a grandmother. Manjari, a Mathura girl, is slated to wed a stranger chosen by her mother. The narrative revolves around their encounters, mishaps, and exchanges with one another during their journey towards metamorphosis.
The story opens routinely, introducing the audience to the protagonists, thanks to the work of director-writer Tarun Dudeja and co-writer Parijat Joshi. Excellent direction enables the tale to develop with grace and accuracy. The narrative skillfully combines self-discovery, adventure, and the enduring value of friendship.
The film’s first half is narrated well, but it periodically falters as it depicts biases against female passengers or drivers, women’s lack of safety, and how women are taken for granted. But once they’re on the road, the story picks up speed and becomes more exciting.
Whether traveling through dramatic terrain, such as landslides, or flooding, or a pleasant ride on gorgeous roads, cinematographer Sreechith Vijayan Damodar expertly depicts the mountains. Similar to a true-blue voyage, the movie features folks who impart life lessons through memorable language and simplicity.
The story’s turn of events is refreshing, much as when you travel in real life and know where you’re going but are unsure of what may happen along the way. Particularly the folk-rock title track Banjara Re, the soundtrack by Rishi Dutta is lively.
The film serves as evidence that women can overcome any challenge when they band together. The performances of Dia Mirza as a mechanic with suppressed dreams, Fatima Sana Shaikh as a firebrand teenager battling her demons, Ratna Pathak Shah as a loving, bashful, and cheeky Punjabi grandma, and Sanjana Sanghi as the clumsy and overprotected simple girl are all excellent.
The emotional center of the film is formed by the interaction between these starring ladies. The supporting cast contributes much as well, giving the narrative depth and authenticity.
Rating: 4/5
“Dhak Dhak” is a movie masterpiece that skillfully combines amazing pictures, gripping narration, and superb acting. Viewers of all ages will be thinking back on this experience for years to come. This touching voyage serves as a gentle reminder of the limitless potential that each person possesses and an invitation to welcome life’s adventures wholeheartedly. This movie has been rated as 4 out of 5 stars.