Garfield (voiced by Chris Pratt), the famously lazy, lasagna-loving cat, steps out of his comfort zone for a thrilling outdoor escapade. When the scrappy street cat Vic (voiced by Samuel L. Jackson) is kidnapped by the villainous Persian cat Jinx (voiced by Hannah Waddingham), he unexpectedly reunites with his long-lost father. Vic’s predicament forces Garfield and his loyal dog friend Odie (voiced by Harvey Guillén) to abandon their pampered lives. Fans of the original Garfield comics might miss his usual sarcastic humor, which is somewhat subdued in this story. Additionally, familiar characters like Arlene, Binky, and Nermal are notably absent.
Director Mark Dindal achieves the seemingly impossible by sending the lethargic Garfield and his sidekick Odie on a perilous journey. The film features creative and humorous animation that evokes the charm of classic silver screen productions, steering clear of the hyper-realism typical of modern animations. This stylistic choice, reminiscent of Jim Davis’s original creation, enhances the movie’s appeal.
The plot follows Garfield and Odie on a comedic heist to steal a mountain of milk for Vic’s former partner, the nefarious Jinx. The film is filled with genuinely funny moments and quirky characters, though it adheres to a fairly standard narrative structure. While most of the humor hits the mark, there are a few awkward moments.
The animation is vibrant and energetic, with a style that bears a striking resemblance to Illumination’s works in both its visuals and humor. Chris Pratt and Samuel L. Jackson bring endearing charm to their roles as Garfield and Vic. Hannah Waddingham delivers a standout performance as Jinx, bringing energy and enthusiasm to the role, and Nicholas Hoult excels as Jon Arbuckle. Additionally, Snoop Dogg makes a memorable cameo as Snoop Catt, alongside Ving Rhames as Otto, Brett Goldstein as Roland, and Bowen Yang as Nolan.
Ratings: 3/5
Written by Paul A. Kaplan, Mark Torgove, and David Reynolds, “The Garfield Movie” caters to both children and adults. While kids will enjoy the fun and lively animation, adults and longtime fans of the Garfield comics might find it less entertaining. The movie beautifully balances humor and emotional moments, even providing a glimpse into Garfield’s backstory with Jon. Overall, “The Garfield Movie” earns three out of five stars.